It’s been nearly a month since Nikita The Lada 1200 landed in the garage. After the success of the cleaning job I did on her, it was time to get her to strip back and show me what she’s hiding. However, Nikita is a Lada 2101 and is what we would call an inanimate object. So any stripping I would have to do, and when I say stripping I mean stripping. The sound proofing she has needs to go so we can see what condition her Russian metal is in after 44 years.

Sound proofing on cars quite often consists of the carpet, a layer of insulation, and some bitumen/rubber based product laid directly on to the chassis. There was no carpet to get rid of, or insulation, just the hardened rubber. Some of it came up easily as water got in between the rubber and the metal, causing rust to squeeze in between the two. It meant it came off in chunks, but sound proofing that this didn’t happen to was harder to remove. On the internet, they recommend the use of dry ice – which I didn’t have – or a fire extinguisher. Now, I have one of those! I got mine, pulled the pin, and well it made a mess.
You can see the plight I put myself in to by watching the video below. If you liked it, please visit our YouTube channel and consider subscribing to us for more top quality incompetence like this!