In this new era of self isolation and social distancing, I did what I could do make sure no one came near me. I finally got Nikita the Lada 2101 delivered home!

As you can see, just like me in jeans, this Lada 2101 is a tight fit. It isn’t impossible to get inside of, again like me in jeans, but going forward space management will need to be a priority. I can just about get in to the car through the drivers door.
Since it arrived, the only work that’s been done is to go through the parts it came with, remove the seats and start to clean off all of the mold that’s been living there for God knows how long.

Currently, as I write this, I’m researching how to remove the head lining from there so that I’m able to clean it properly. Once I’ve found out how to do that, the roof lining and door cards will be removed. Leaving a bare shell to inspect.
Here’s the video of the progress so far. It’s more of an introduction to the car, and what state it’s in. More videos will be posted shortly! So visit our YouTube channel by clicking here, or like us on our Facebook page here.